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League of Legends, an immensely popular multiplayer online battle arena game, has grown to b


League of Legends, an immensely popular multiplayer online battle arena game, has grown to be a global phenomenon of esports, developing an extensive and competitive gaming culture. To manage an esports team effectively and efficiently, the role of a League of Legends esports club manager is pivotal. A successful esports club manager must possess a combination of essential skills, including leadership, communication, and marketing. This article will detail the best practices and tips required by an esports club manager to run a successful League of Legends esports club.

Player Recruitment and Development

One of the primary responsibilities of an esports club manager is to scout and recruit potential players for the team. While skill is critical, it is not the only quality to consider when recruiting a player. It would be best to look for players with a team-oriented mindset, strong communication skills, and a passion for the game. Once recruited, it is crucial to invest in the professional development of the players. A proactive development plan should be made to help the players improve their gameplay skills, game knowledge, attitude, and team communication.

Organizing Team Practices and Scrimmages

Team practices and scrimmages are fundamental to improving player performance. The esports club manager must organize regular team practices with scheduled breaks to ensure that the players are well-rested. Additionally, scrimmages against other esports teams provide an opportunity for players to hone their game skills and teamwork. Club Manager should incorporate a mix of practice and scrimmage sessions to build player confidence, promote team communication, and identify areas that need improvement.

Sponsorship and Merchandise Sales

A successful esports club manager needs to have an excellent understanding of marketing and sponsorship. The manager must work with the team members to build the team's brand, develop logos, and market the team to potential sponsors. Merchandise sales such as team t-shirts, mousepads, cups, and other gear are also a great way to boost revenue. Effective branding and marketing techniques will increase the team's visibility and attract potential sponsors. Additionally, selling merchandise and sponsorships can turn into a lucrative revenue stream for the esports club.

Networking with Other Esports Managers and Events

Networking with other esports managers is a great way to stay informed about current trends and best practices in the esports industry. Attending esports events such as tournaments, conferences, and industry conventions is also essential for networking. Meeting other esports managers can provide opportunities for collaborations, partnerships, and sponsorships. An esports club manager needs to establish relationships within the esports community to stay updated on the latest industry developments and create exciting new opportunities for their team.


To ensure the success of a League of Legends esports club, an esports club manager must possess various critical skills, including effective communication, leadership, marketing, and networking. A successful esports manager will recruit and develop players, organize regular practices and scrimmages, and develop effective marketing and branding techniques to attract sponsors and increase revenue. These practices will not only help the team excel in the game but also develop a strong esports brand that is visible and supports sustainable growth within the esports industry.